Page 277
Coincidence is jut a word for when you have no idea what Harley’s up to
A steampunk webcomic by Katherine Ellis
Coincidence is jut a word for when you have no idea what Harley’s up to
Today I realised i’m up to 278 pages. Whaaaaat.
Wooo chapter end! So what do we know so far? Hazer girl is most decidedly NOT Maddy, Jack has a temper tantrum, Myrtle has a bigger one and then gets ramps up the bitchiness 150%, Jack gets several smacks to the face and behold-eth his Maddy is standing before him ~ ~and Harley’s being a… Continue reading Page 279
There’s a lot of flashbacks in this story, and each one is there for one (or more!) reasons, and there’s a couple of good ones this chapter, and introducing a couple of characters i’ve been boiling to draw for years. I AM EXCITED!
Neeeeww chapter!! Guess what James has hidden in that bag!